"Thinking back to how my journey began, I can reflect upon so many amazing blessings that God has given to me. Some were a challenge to say the least.

At an early age, I always struggled with my weight; starting out with small fluctuations and then becoming a real challenge by the time I graduated from high school. I was always athletic and taught aerobics for nine years at different gyms after graduation. Working out has been and always will be a huge part of my life; despite the fluctuation of weight gain and weight loss.

I started working at Delta as a Flight Attendant in 1989 and there was a height and weight mandate. Max weight limit in training was 112 pounds and after In-Flight graduation it was 134 pounds. Needless to say, I was always on “weight check” for the majority of my career.

I was blessed to have two beautiful children; Cole born in 1991 and McKae born in 1995. Fortunately, my weight stayed consistent for a few years. Mckae was always lean growing up but Cole struggled with his weight tremendously. I can remember when he was about 12 years old he came to me and asked me if he could start going to the gym and working out with me. I told him “of course” he could; however, it would have to be at 5:30 a.m. in the morning! I knew if he was serious and dedicated, I would surely make it happen!

I will never forget every morning Cole would come and wake me up for us to go the gym. Cole became more and more involved in health and fitness and started leaning down. By the time he graduated, he knew exercise, health and fitness would be the career path he wanted to take for his future.

Crossfit Higher Ground (aka Cole) was founded in 2016. I had never done Crossfit before but felt like I was athletic enough and was willing to give it my best shot. Needless to say, I felt completely defeated when I first started....... Cole never stopped encouraging me and constantly

reminded me that every time I said “I can’t do this “ he would tell me “ I could do it and I would “. During the next few years, I continued with Crossfit and loved every minute of it. I was getting stronger every day and gaining my confidence back!

In 2018, my life fell apart! I was facing some of the most difficult times in my life!!! Feeling all alone, afraid and isolated, I actually lost focus on life and lost myself along the way. My weight started creeping up and I was making unhealthy choices. It wasn’t until I absolutely hit “rock bottom” in 2019 did I realize just how overweight and unhealthy I had become.... My youngest son Mckae took me on an airboat ride for Mother’s Day and when I saw a picture of myself with him, I started to cry!!!! Clearly, I was on a downward spiral out of control and my weight was at an ALL TIME high of 175 pounds.

At that very moment, I remember just falling to my knees and begging God to help me!!! I knew HE heard my prayers but it was up to me to make healthier choices and make a difference! Nobody else could do it but me... I made a promise to myself that day that I was going to make a permanent lifestyle change and stick with it no matter what. My focus was to work out every day, lose this weight once and for all and concentrate on my physical, mental and emotional well-being!

It was so difficult at first!! However, I never lost sight of where I was at that moment and where I wanted to be! I was determined to remain dedicated and be consistent no matter what!!! I knew that with the encouragement of my son Cole, amazing coach and assistance with Toni – another amazing Coach; as well as, all of the athletes in our box that are family to me I knew I could succeed!!! There is so much love and encouragement in our community that even on days when I didn’t feel like getting out of bed; Crossfit Higher Ground, along with our extended family of athletes is what gave me the hope and drive to keep pushing through and I am forever grateful!

Things that I never thought I could do..... I can do now!!! Words cannot describe how grateful I am to be part of such an amazing community of athletes who are so driven to help you succeed and NEVER stop encouraging you to be the best you can be!!! They have been with me through many tears and laughter.... No judgement! I am down 65 pounds now and have kept it off for almost two years. Words cannot describe how truly BLESSED I am to be part of this family at Crossfit Higher Ground.

Our box was founded on Philippians 4:13- “I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me.” True statement - Through Christ First and Foremost- Faith, Encouragement, Endurance, Hard Work and Dedication, I have accomplished what I set out to do but not without the Grace of God! As long as you seek HIM first in all that you do, HE will take you places you never dreamed of.

I hope my testimony will give back at least a small percentage of what this “box” has given to me."

[Crossfit Higher Ground- It’s Not Only Our Name; It’s Our Mission]

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